Repairify will transform the way your collision repair workshop does business, with our advanced vehicle diagnostic and calibration technology that will help you to service more vehicles, more efficiently, and with higher safety standards.

But don’t just take our word for it! We had a chat recently with Dennis from Promak Automotive, who has been working with Repairify in his workshop for around eight months.  We thought it might be useful to share his insights, to help other workshop owners looking to get ahead of the game.

“We’d been looking around at different systems. The boss heard about Repairify through a couple of other repair shops whose owners were considering it, so he investigated it further. We chose Repairify because, being a digital system, having backup support was critical. With other companies, you had to buy into the tooling, but that’s hard when you don’t know exactly what you need. Because we do a wide range of work, it could have ended up costing us a lot of money, especially with ongoing upgrades. But with Repairify, one call and we had what we needed – all the tooling we wanted, it was really simple.”

Dennis was impressed with the setup, and the support he received from Repairify.

“The initial setup of the system went smoothly; within a couple of days it was up and running and quite easy to use. We were shown how it worked, and the available vehicles. Because of our particular business, some of the vehicles we needed weren’t there, but Repairify were really great in addressing our problems. It’s been eight months since we’ve had Repairify and it’s still getting so much better, they are always upgrading, adding more vehicles and growing and maintaining the system. The market we have in the country is different to the city, but we were able to tailor the system to suit us. Repairify went over and above to make sure it worked for us in our location.”

One of the first benefits Dennis noticed was the improvement in the capacity of the workshop, and the amount of work they were able to take on.

“Almost immediately we were able to increase the number of bookings we could take on. We can definitely get through more vehicles now compared to before. Vehicles were taking longer to diagnose and calibrate, but now we’re much more efficient. Before, we’d be hesitant to book two or three cars in a day, but now we can easily do five or six. We know exactly how long each job will take, and how easy it is to do. With Repairify, everything flows better. We can keep up with demand and not turn vehicles away to our competitors.

“For example, a Peugeot 3008 came in needing a radar calibration. The vehicle wouldn’t code at first but Repairify helped using their Remote Diagnostics. In the end it coded, but then wouldn’t calibrate, but Repairify were persistent and we got there in the end. The alternative would have been sending the car to the dealership, which would have taken eight to ten weeks just to get it in, and we would have lost our margin. We repaired it in five days, in our own workshop with no overheads or outsourcing. Instead of up to twenty weeks, the customer had his car back within a week. So much easier, and a very happy customer.”

Repairify is known for the backup support we provide, so it’s good to know that that’s one of the main things Dennis appreciates. If he gets stuck with a calibration, he has three numbers he can ring – and he gets through to a Repairify team member, not a recording. It’s like having an extra technician on your team at all times.

Another advantage for repair workshops is having the ability to do more work in-house, reducing the wait time for customers.

“Other workshops need to book vehicles into dealerships, and customers can wait for weeks,” said Dennis.

“One customer had a problem with a rear blind spot radar and expected it would take weeks to fix. I told him to come in the next morning, and he did. He was stunned. I don’t always know that I can fix it, but if I can’t, Repairify is there to talk me through it.”

So, would Dennis recommend Repairify to other collision repair workshops?

“Yes, definitely. Mostly because of the support service. There aren’t many systems where you get straight through, you usually get put on hold.  Repairify is definitely a worthwhile investment for workshops. It will help with diagnostics, makes everything easier. It’s simple to use, you get more work in, more vehicle turnover. So customers are happy, and we’re happy.”

So there you have it, a Repairify testimonial straight from a happy Repairify customer. If you’d like to find out more, or discover the benefits of Repairify for yourself, contact the Repairify team today.

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